Enough said. Well one more thing ... this almost didn't happen. After frantically wrapping multiple individual presents for each box and prepping the boxes for about 2 hours, I go to the trusty usps.com to print labels. Run out of printer ink. Try again. Doesn't work. Try again - success! Then in midst of taping down said labels, baby wakes up. Frantically run to get her before tshe wakes up the other one. Back to sticking down labels, finish up with that, and then start to run outside. Open door, about trip over a very large stack of received USPS packages and have near panic attack at thought of the mail man coming and going already! Then, see his truck ...run down driveway - looking like an idiot with a stack of boxes - and become elated that he can take my packages and I'm all good. Whew! If I had done all this today only to not be able to ship the boxes, I'd be one unhappy lady! However it all worked out, and now
I'm gonna quasi kick back and enjoy the rest of the countdown ...
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