My quilt top is *almost* done - yay!
my little model cannot resist being in the pics! |
This week in class, our assignment was so "square up" the 20 blocks. In a perfect world with perfect seamstresses (of which I am so not), the blocks would be 12.5" squares. Let me tell you, NOT ONE of my blocks was this size! I blame the Minky ... ok?
My squares were almost all 12.25" (that's good right? that they were consistently wrong?) so that's what I cut them down to. Quilting is apparently all about uniformity. I like it.
The cutting to squares took me a while so I spent most of class on that. But then, the FUN part ... Arranging the 20 "perfect" squares into their final spots! As I am quite indecisive, this too took me a while. I had about 10 arrangements before I was happy with it. Then, I sat down for more stitching, more pressing. Finally - all 20 blocks were together! I am pleased w/ the placement and my nearly perfect squares. :)
Next week in class, we'll learn how to properly cut and attach the front border pieces. Then ... the quilting. I've made an executive decision that I wil opt to have the teacher quilt mine for me - because, well she is a professional and I know it's going to look fabulous if she does it! I still want to learn / attempt machine quilting, so here's what I am going to do (i.e., my homework for Monday's class) - use my scraps to make coordinating pillows. The 'teacher' says that if I do my pillow fronts and bring in batting / muslin to get me to three layers, I can totally learn the quilting - but I'll get to give it a try on a much smaller item which will be easier for me!
One more pic in closing ... someone "real loves" HER new blankie. And insisted on sleeping with it ... she loves those minky squares because -- her special lovie is backed with white minky and apparently all the minky in the world is meant for her.
More next week!
Oh, and our cocktail party was a big success last night ... if we get our act together, we just might have a post on it tomorrow. Teaser - this party's craft was a raging success and I'm wearingTWO of my creations today :)

Thanks again for such a fun party last night, loved it all! I wore one of my posies to work today, it made my plain shirt a little more stylish and updated! Not that anyone said wow you look much nicer with that flower but I loved it! I even showed Barb how to make one! So thanks again for the fun!Also my brain has gone wild with planning a Christmas tree skirt class and now tonight I've moved on to a scrap quilt class, ho hum, the brain never stops and I bet yours never does either!
Oh goodness, come make ME a quilt. I just can't!
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