Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What's in Your Sewing Box?

I was bouncing around the blogosphere Monday and ran across a post on Prudent Baby called Start Sewing: What You Need in Your Beginner Sewing Kit. It got me thinking about what I think is important to have in my basic sewing box. The truth is, it hasn’t changed much over the years. There are a million gadgets out there, but as long as you have these essentials, you are ready for just about anything.

-Thread – black, white, grey and cream will do just about everything you need
-Needles – I keep straw needles and embroidery needles as that’s what I like for hand sewing
-Good, sharp thread scissors with a pointed tip that cuts all the way to the end of the blade
-Good, sharp fabric shears (these will never be used on paper)
-Good, sharp paper scissors

-Rotary cutter with extra blades
-Fabric marker (non-permanent) – I love the Sewline pencil
-Pens, pencils, a Sharpie, and an eraser
-Scotch tape
-Glue stick
-Measuring tape (Sara recommends a retractable tape measure)
-1x6 clear acrylic ruler
-Good quality seam ripper – you want the blade to be flat and sharp

-Magnetic pin cushion
-Pins – I like a longer pin with a glass head
-Binder clips for things that can't be pinned, or mini clothes pins
-Knitting needle for turning corners
-Lotion – that fabric will dry your hands out
-Reading glasses – I only had to add this one in the last year!

Of all these things, it’s the three pairs of scissors that I consider the most important. This is where I would advise spending some money. I love my Fiskars shears and wouldn’t trade them for the world. We’ll have to have a seriously talk if I ever catch you cutting paper with them.

I use a tackle box to carry all this around in. You can read about that here.  Sara has a more traditional sewing basket seen here:

Here's a peek inside at some of what she has accumulated:

So what’s in your sewing box?

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Mommarock said...

I have almost the same scissors! I have that little orange scissors, and I must say I love it.. LOVE it.. it is so very, very sharp all the way to the tippy tip.. I have those gray scissors, and they are super sharp too, but I think they have been nabbed a few times for things other than fabric, and then I have a pair of pink scissors almost like those shown, and because I am the only girl here, and because I have threatened. I don't think they have been used other than on fabric, and they are nice and sharp too!

Anonymous said...

While my sewing box is a catch all recently I am being attracted to picking up other people's sewing boxes at yard sales and thrift stores.
I am not much of a seamstress but I am a mad mender.
I also have more than one embroidery box for needlecrafting, which I don't find enough time to enjoy regularly.

Rhonda Roaming said...

Hi great rreading your blog

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