If you're looking for a great last minute Halloween craft or, if you just want to show your kids how fun their feet can really look like ghosts, I've got the craft for you!
These Boo! plaques are cute and fast to put together. Of course, I love that it's sentimental and a reminder of just how little their feet really are ...
I didn't take picture of the steps, but it's so simple I can just tell you ...
I started with plain wooden plaques from Joann's and painted them black.
Then, I cut orange scrapbook paper into the shape of the top. Apply with Mod Podge. (Don't Mod Podge the top yet).
Put white paint on a plate and let your kids step in it (or if you have little babies, paint their feet).
Make a footprint on the plaque. It'll need to be filled in with more white paint, so grab a little paint brush and fill it in the ghost.
Now take the eraser end of a pencil and dip it in black paint - make Ghost Eyes!
Once the paint dries, you can embellish your plaque! I used:
Sharpie to add my kids names on their feet;
Paper Tape to frame the edges; and
Paper Tag (Martha Stewart tags leftover from this project) to write "Boo" and the year on.
After everything is in place and dry, apply Mod Podge all over.
I was good to go at this point, but at the last minute decided to add a 'hanger' in case my recipients wanted to hang it. I grabbed some white ric rac for one plaque and some ribbon for another. I just used my regular stapler to attach to the back!
Word is the recipients love their plaques and now I just need to make another one for us to keep! After all, I need a momento of just how small my kids' feet are this Halloween too!

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